Kidney Community Kitchen

Information and tools to help you manage your renal diet

Recipe printed from:

Lemony Orzo Salad

Chef Leslie Cairns

Lemony Orzo Salad

This easy and delicious Orzo salad can be enjoyed alone or as a side to grilled meat or fish.


1 cup
orzo pasta
red pepper, diced
green onion, diced
2 tbsp
tarragon, chopped
2 tbsp
parsley, chopped
2 tbsp
lemon juice
1 tsp
garlic, minced
1 tbsp
extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp
black pepper


Food safety tips:

  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.   
  • Clean all countertops and equipment used for food preparation.   
  • Gently rinse all produce under cool running water. 


  • Cook orzo in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes.
  •  Drain and cool under running water. 
  • Add the remaining ingredients and mix them together.
  • Note: You can serve it alongside your favourite grilled meat or fish.

Nutrient Analysis