Kidney Community Kitchen

Information and tools to help you manage your renal diet

Salt – cut back when you can’t cut it out!

There are few things that bring me back to my childhood more than the smell of warm, fresh baked bread.  I remember coming home after school to a heavenly snack of fresh , warm bread and butter.  I remember we used to polish off a whole loaf before dinner, usually leaving us too full to eat.   Recently, when I was home with my sick daughter I decided to try my hand at making my own bread.  And, like the dietitian I am, I decided to try making some with no salt at all and some with about 2/3 of the salt called for.  Vague memories from food sciences class in university warned me that there was an important role for the salt in bread and sure enough my no-salt bread was not quite right.  My bread with less salt was exactly what I remember and as I watched my kids devour it, I decided that next time I’d try cutting back to about ½ of the amount called for in the recipe.

Unfortunately I rarely have the time (or energy) to make bread from scratch and it’s a staple for my family and for most Canadians.  It’s impossible to completely remove the sodium from the bread that you eat but make sure to compare labels at the grocery store and choose the bread with the lowest sodium.  Flour tortillas can have a surprising amount of sodium in them so pitas may make a better choice for a wrap.  The recipe I am including today is for fajitas which are traditionally served in a flour or corn tortilla but, if you can’t find a low enough sodium brand, are also great in warmed pitas.  This marinade has no salt added but you won’t miss it!

Fajita Marinade
¼ cup lime juice
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp chilli powder
2 cloves garlic, crushed

Mix all ingredients together and marinate either ½lb steak or 2 chicken breasts.  If using steak marinate overnight in the fridge or for at least 2 hours for chicken.  Grill, slice thinly and serve on warmed pitas or tortillas with slices of pepper and onion.


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