Top 3 Snacks to Boost Nutrition

By Tanya Choy, RD, CDE

Snacks, in the right portions are a great way to give nutrition a boost! Snacks can be a great way to curb appetite to prevent overeating during meal times and also help stabilize blood sugars, which can maintain energy levels throughout the day. Choose nourishing options to unlock the power of snacking to fuel your day. Here are some top picks for kidney-friendly snacks:

    1. Popcorn – It may have gotten a bad reputation when doused in butter and salt, however, there are endless low sodium ways to flavour. Popcorn is one of the best snack foods to choose. 100% whole grain, rich in fibre, and fun to eat! Don’t waste money on microwave popcorn, make your own inexpensive and environmentally friendly version below.

    2. Berries – Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries just to name a few, are delicious bites of antioxidants, fibre and vitamins. For people who are trying to manage their potassium, berries are a good option but remember to manage portions. You can choose fresh or frozen, both are equally nutritious. For dinner parties, I like to dress up berries with some diced pineapple and canned lychees for a fancy fruit salad.

    3. Salmon – Canned salmon is a great source of protein rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fats and it’s important to get it from food since our bodies can’t make them. Choose the no added salt version of canned salmon or just rinse under water to remove some of the salt. Mix a bit of lemon juice, diced celery, light mayo, pepper with the salmon and pair it with some low sodium crackers for a satisfying snack.

Homemade Popcorn
Pour 1/3 cup popcorn kernels into a paper bag and fold the top of the bag over twice to close. Place bag in microwave on carousel. Cook on high 2-3 minutes, or until the pops are 5 seconds apart. Voila! 3 cups of air popped popcorn ready to eat. Pour the popcorn into a large bowl and toss with your choice of flavourings.

The beauty of this method is you are able to reuse the paper bag again!

Flavouring Options

    A) Drizzle with olive oil, Italian seasoning, garlic powder
    B) Drizzle with olive oil, a squeeze of lime juice, chili powder and cumin powder
    C) Drizzle with olive oil, paprika, chili powder, garlic powder

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “Top 3 Snacks to Boost Nutrition

  1. I am 83 years old, male, with several afflictions which are a challenge at the best of times. I am an Ostomate (Illeostomy) 12 years on, with reflux scarring of the esophagus, which restricts me to foods that are easily broken down. The latest “Gem” was announced by a Nephrologist three months ago that I have CKD! Oh yes, did I mention that I was told by my family Physician that my sugars were in the type two Diabetic range, therefore I must lose weight, so I lost 18 pounds and down came the sugars, now, to deal with a strict CKD diet I must aim for low sodium, low Potassium, low Phosphorus and other things! The fact is, this is my burden, but I do the cooking and my wife cleans up–works for us, and it brings us happiness beyond measure, so do what must be done and get on with life and make the most of each day, Enjoy

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