Important Notice: Information about your Kidney Community Kitchen meal plans

Dear Kidney Community Kitchen members,

We recently experienced a technical problem with the Kidney Community Kitchen website. As a result, you may have noticed that some of our recipes went missing, and your Meal Planner and Food Journal may have been affected. We have since restored all of the missing recipes to the cookbook and meal planner, however, it is very important that you log in to your account as soon as possible and verify that your nutritional goals and meal plan are intact.

Please login to your account as soon as possible and:

  • On your Dashboard, verify that your personal nutritional goals are set properly.
  • In the Meal Planner, verify that the recipes and single items added to your meal plan are still there. If they’re not, drag-and-drop to re-add them to your meal plan.
  • In the Meal Planner, verify that your Daily Totals are displaying properly.

Your health and safety is very important to us, and we apologize deeply for any inconvenience this may cause you. The Kidney Foundation of Canada is committed to providing you with the best possible experience when using the Kidney Community Kitchen, and we are taking appropriate action in order to minimize any chance of this issue recurring.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any comments or concerns using the feedback form at:


Thank you,

The Kidney Community Kitchen Team

4 thoughts on “Important Notice: Information about your Kidney Community Kitchen meal plans

  1. I have a Apple IPad2, I am not able to drag and drop any of the food items onto the planner as you advise, could you please let me know if anyone is having the same problem .Thanks Linda.

  2. Unfortunately, the Kidney Community Kitchen isn’t optimized for use on an iPad – We’re sorry the meal planner isn’t working for you and we’ll explore options with our development team to see if there’s anything we can do in the short term.

  3. How do you use this site? I have clicked on everything and never get to actually doing anything. l have 15% kidney function and just had my Renal Clinic orientation a week ago where I was told about my diet restrictions. I found this site, but don’t know how to use it. PLEASE HELP ME.


  4. Hi,
    I recently had my blood work done and my dr said that my kidneys are working at 55%.( I am a 55 year old female all most in menopause.) She said that it was low. She did not give me a diet to follow. She thinks that it could be the medications that I have used for migraines in the past that could be causing the kidney problem. She wants me to take another blood test in November and I am to stay off meds as much as possible. She said asprin or Tylenol is ok.
    Are there any questions I need to ask my dr to determine what foods I need to eat and what to avoid?

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